Modern Flight School
Scheduling Made Simple

Streamline your flight school operations with our comprehensive scheduling system.

Efficiently manage your fleet and instructors with our intuitive scheduling system


N172SP - Cessna 172

PPL Training - John D.
C172 - Cross Country
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

N152SP - Cessna 152

100hr Inspection
Oil Change + Annual
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

N182SP - Cessna 182

IFR Training - Mike R.
Approach Practice
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


John Smith

Commercial Training
Sarah M. - Complex
1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Sarah Johnson

Ground School
Private Pilot Class
8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Mike Wilson

BFR - Tom H.
Biennial Review
3:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Built to aviation industry standards

Federal Aviation AdministrationFAA Compliant
Aircraft Owners and Pilots AssociationAOPA Partner
QuickBooks Integration AvailableQuickBooks Connected
National Air Transportation AssociationNATA Member

Running a Flight School Shouldn't Be This Hard

Complex Scheduling

Managing multiple aircraft, instructors, and students manually is time-consuming and error-prone. Double bookings and scheduling conflicts lead to lost revenue and frustrated customers.

Aircraft Management

Tracking maintenance schedules, aircraft availability, and squawks through paper logs or spreadsheets compromises safety. Critical maintenance issues can be missed, compromising safety and compliance.

Student Progress

Without a centralized system, tracking student certifications, training progress, and billing becomes overwhelming. Important details fall through the cracks, affecting both business operations and student success.

Complete Flight School Management

A comprehensive platform that streamlines every aspect of your flight school operations, from scheduling to Part 61 and 141 student progress tracking.

Flight School Customers

Manage your flight school customers and their bookings efficiently.

Total students

Training Progress

Track student progression through training stages. Monitor certification progress at a glance.


Flight Hours

Track monthly flight hours and monitor training progress.

Flight School Campaigns

Set up campaigns to keep your students informed and engaged.

Welcome to Flight School
Sent upon student registration
Pre-Flight Checklist Reminder
24 hours before scheduled flight
Post-Flight Feedback Request
2 days after flight completion
Weather Alert
Sent when adverse weather is forecasted
Upcoming Training Session
Sent 7 days before session
Certification Progress Update
Monthly update on training progress
Special Event Invitation
14 days before the event
Reactivation Campaign
90 days after inactivity

Today's Schedule

Available Slots C172 - N12345
9:00John D.
10:00 Available
11:00Sarah M.
12:00 Available

Your Flight School's Command Center

Everything you need to run your flight school efficiently, all in one place. With mobile-optimized views, you can manage operations seamlessly whether you're in the office or on the go. Save time, reduce errors, and focus on what matters - training pilots.

  • Intelligent scheduling
  • End to End maintenance management
  • Weather alerts
  • Advanced reporting and KPIs
  • Part 61 & 141 training
  • Automated billing and payment processing




John Smith
Sarah Johnson
Michael Brown

Active Squawks


Right brake slightly soft


Left engine overheating


Less time spent on scheduling


Average booking time saved


Uptime reliability


To create your first schedule

Live Activity Feed

Flight Booking Confirmed

Cessna 172 (N12345) booked for cross-country training flight with Instructor Sarah Wilson

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Maintenance Scheduled

100-hour inspection scheduled for Piper Archer (N54321). Aircraft unavailable June 15-16

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Rescheduled Flight

Flight with Instructor John Smith rescheduled to June 15th due to weather. New slot confirmed.

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Flight Booking Confirmed

Cessna 172 (N12345) booked for cross-country training flight with Instructor Sarah Wilson

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Maintenance Scheduled

100-hour inspection scheduled for Piper Archer (N54321). Aircraft unavailable June 15-16

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Rescheduled Flight

Flight with Instructor John Smith rescheduled to June 15th due to weather. New slot confirmed.

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Flight Booking Confirmed

Cessna 172 (N12345) booked for cross-country training flight with Instructor Sarah Wilson

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Maintenance Scheduled

100-hour inspection scheduled for Piper Archer (N54321). Aircraft unavailable June 15-16

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Rescheduled Flight

Flight with Instructor John Smith rescheduled to June 15th due to weather. New slot confirmed.

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Flight Booking Confirmed

Cessna 172 (N12345) booked for cross-country training flight with Instructor Sarah Wilson

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Maintenance Scheduled

100-hour inspection scheduled for Piper Archer (N54321). Aircraft unavailable June 15-16

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Rescheduled Flight

Flight with Instructor John Smith rescheduled to June 15th due to weather. New slot confirmed.

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Certification Milestone

Student Michael Chen completed Private Pilot checkride preparation

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Maintenance Squawk

Right brake reported soft on Cessna 152 (N67890). Maintenance notified

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Ground School Scheduled

IFR Ground School session scheduled with Instructor James Miller

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Certification Milestone

Student Michael Chen completed Private Pilot checkride preparation

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Maintenance Squawk

Right brake reported soft on Cessna 152 (N67890). Maintenance notified

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Ground School Scheduled

IFR Ground School session scheduled with Instructor James Miller

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Certification Milestone

Student Michael Chen completed Private Pilot checkride preparation

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Maintenance Squawk

Right brake reported soft on Cessna 152 (N67890). Maintenance notified

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Ground School Scheduled

IFR Ground School session scheduled with Instructor James Miller

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Certification Milestone

Student Michael Chen completed Private Pilot checkride preparation

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Maintenance Squawk

Right brake reported soft on Cessna 152 (N67890). Maintenance notified

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Ground School Scheduled

IFR Ground School session scheduled with Instructor James Miller

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Medical Certificate

Class 2 Medical renewal reminder sent to 5 students

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Weather Alert

Wind Advisory - Gusts exceeding 15kts. Affected flights flagged for student solo restrictions

Coastal Flight AcademyKCCR - Concord
Annual Inspection Due

Annual inspection coming up in 15 days for Diamond DA40 (N789DB). Maintenance slot reserved.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Medical Certificate

Class 2 Medical renewal reminder sent to 5 students

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Weather Alert

Wind Advisory - Gusts exceeding 15kts. Affected flights flagged for student solo restrictions

Coastal Flight AcademyKCCR - Concord
Annual Inspection Due

Annual inspection coming up in 15 days for Diamond DA40 (N789DB). Maintenance slot reserved.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Medical Certificate

Class 2 Medical renewal reminder sent to 5 students

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Weather Alert

Wind Advisory - Gusts exceeding 15kts. Affected flights flagged for student solo restrictions

Coastal Flight AcademyKCCR - Concord
Annual Inspection Due

Annual inspection coming up in 15 days for Diamond DA40 (N789DB). Maintenance slot reserved.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Medical Certificate

Class 2 Medical renewal reminder sent to 5 students

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Weather Alert

Wind Advisory - Gusts exceeding 15kts. Affected flights flagged for student solo restrictions

Coastal Flight AcademyKCCR - Concord
Annual Inspection Due

Annual inspection coming up in 15 days for Diamond DA40 (N789DB). Maintenance slot reserved.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Night Flight Scheduled

Night cross-country training flight booked with Instructor David Lee. Route filed.

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Checkride Success

Student Emily Rodriguez passed Commercial Pilot checkride. Records updated.

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Invoice Generated

Monthly statement generated for 15 students. Invoices are sent

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Night Flight Scheduled

Night cross-country training flight booked with Instructor David Lee. Route filed.

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Checkride Success

Student Emily Rodriguez passed Commercial Pilot checkride. Records updated.

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Invoice Generated

Monthly statement generated for 15 students. Invoices are sent

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Night Flight Scheduled

Night cross-country training flight booked with Instructor David Lee. Route filed.

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Checkride Success

Student Emily Rodriguez passed Commercial Pilot checkride. Records updated.

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Invoice Generated

Monthly statement generated for 15 students. Invoices are sent

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Night Flight Scheduled

Night cross-country training flight booked with Instructor David Lee. Route filed.

Bay Area Flight InstituteKHWD - Hayward
Checkride Success

Student Emily Rodriguez passed Commercial Pilot checkride. Records updated.

Golden Gate Flight SchoolKOAK - Oakland
Invoice Generated

Monthly statement generated for 15 students. Invoices are sent

Pacific Flight TrainingKSFO - San Francisco
Oil Change Required

10 hours remaining until oil change due on Cessna 152 (N5678A)

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Discovery Flight Booked

New student discovery flight scheduled with Instructor Maria Garcia. Welcome email sent.

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Stage Check Complete

Student Alex Thompson completed IFR Stage 2 Check. Progress tracked.

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Oil Change Required

10 hours remaining until oil change due on Cessna 152 (N5678A)

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Discovery Flight Booked

New student discovery flight scheduled with Instructor Maria Garcia. Welcome email sent.

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Stage Check Complete

Student Alex Thompson completed IFR Stage 2 Check. Progress tracked.

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Oil Change Required

10 hours remaining until oil change due on Cessna 152 (N5678A)

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Discovery Flight Booked

New student discovery flight scheduled with Instructor Maria Garcia. Welcome email sent.

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Stage Check Complete

Student Alex Thompson completed IFR Stage 2 Check. Progress tracked.

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Oil Change Required

10 hours remaining until oil change due on Cessna 152 (N5678A)

Skyward AviationKRHV - San Jose
Discovery Flight Booked

New student discovery flight scheduled with Instructor Maria Garcia. Welcome email sent.

Blue Sky Aviation AcademyKPAO - Palo Alto
Stage Check Complete

Student Alex Thompson completed IFR Stage 2 Check. Progress tracked.

Westwind Flight CenterKSJC - San Jose
Weather Update

IFR conditions expected. Affected VFR-only student flights automatically flagged

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Maintenance Complete

Avionics update completed on Piper Arrow (N321PA). Aircraft back in service.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Weather Update

IFR conditions expected. Affected VFR-only student flights automatically flagged

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Maintenance Complete

Avionics update completed on Piper Arrow (N321PA). Aircraft back in service.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Weather Update

IFR conditions expected. Affected VFR-only student flights automatically flagged

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Maintenance Complete

Avionics update completed on Piper Arrow (N321PA). Aircraft back in service.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa
Weather Update

IFR conditions expected. Affected VFR-only student flights automatically flagged

Peninsula Flight SchoolKSQL - San Carlos
Maintenance Complete

Avionics update completed on Piper Arrow (N321PA). Aircraft back in service.

Sierra Flight TrainingKSTS - Santa Rosa

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to streamline your flight school?

Free plan available. No credit card required.